ESM (Economy. Sociology. Management)

Federal educational portal ESM has sections on economics, sociology, management, philosophy, state and municipal management et al., As well as books, articles, theses, training programs on the author and title and the new series of English-Russian dictionaries Economicus®. Dictionaries Economicus® help understand and translate any English-language article or book posted on the portal. To do this just by dragging an expression of interest and click on the link to watch a Economicus®. The search will be carried out in all 11 Series dictionaries:

  •  Economics, Sociology, Political Science
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Management and Labour Economics
  • Financial Management
  • Financial markets
  • Accounting and Auditing
  • International Economics and Business
  • Public Administration and Finance
  • Banking
  • Insurance
  • Right in the economy
  • Free search terms

In the translation of texts portal to freely search terms in the two dictionaries, which are specialized for the portal, ‘economics, sociology, political science’ and ‘Management and Labour Economics’.

This section provides information on doctoral, master’s, Master’s and PhD theses in the field of economics, sociology and management, which has been protected in Russia and abroad in recent years.

Theses are cataloged:

a) the countries;

b) specialty;

c) data;

d) by the name of the authors.

Here selected the most interesting thesis. Selection is made not on formal grounds (protection in a particular specialty), and the quality and relevance of the work. To do this (in the case of Russian works) browse through hundreds of abstracts.

Web site ESM (Economy. Sociology. Management):